• Turning Back the Cellular Clock

    Updated: 2010-06-30 14:08:38
    Cell reprogramming calls The Curious Case of Benjamin Button to mind. It's a new technology that uses molecular treatment to coax adult cells to revert to an embryonic stem cell-like state, allowing researchers to later re-differentiate these cells into specific types with the potential to treat heart attacks or diseases such as Parkinson's. But at this point in the technology's development, only one percent of cells are successfully being reprogrammed........

  • Today is National ADAP Call-in Day! Demand that President Obama Address the ADAP Crisis NOW!!!

    Updated: 2010-06-28 16:02:03
    We know you’ve called and emailed, but we need to keep the pressure up. Around America, nearly 1,800 people in 10 states can’t get the HIV medications they need to stay healthy and alive because of the woefully underfunded AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), and people with HIV in Illinois now face the same fate. read more

  • Today is National HIV Testing Day: Take the Test, Take Control

    Updated: 2010-06-27 13:57:32
    By Miguel Gomez, AIDS.gov Director Today, June 27, is National HIV Testing Day. The CDC estimates that approximately 1.1 million Americans are living with HIV; of these, an estimated 21% do not know their status. As President Obama said in...

  • Cook County Jail Launches HIV/STD Testing

    Updated: 2010-06-25 21:21:08
    Search this site : Home About Us I Need . PEER Education Community Blog Calendar HIV AIDS News Job Volunteer Board Contact Us You are here Blogs gkaminsky's blog Cook County Jail Launches HIV STD Testing Cook County Jail Launches HIV STD Testing By gkaminsky Posted on 25 June 2010 Bridget Gainer , Cook County Board Commissioner , Sheriff Tom Dart and AIDS Foundation of Chicago gathered today to officially launch the HIV STD testing at the Cook County Jail . Using the newly designed medical intake facilities , all detainees who come through the jail will be offered testing for sexually transmitted diseases , including HIV . Nearly 100,000 people each year are processed through intake at 26th and California , providing a critical opportunity to diagnose and treat sexually transmitted

  • Silence Still Equals Death

    Updated: 2010-06-25 16:58:21
    Search this site : Home About Us I Need . PEER Education Community Blog Calendar HIV AIDS News Job Volunteer Board Contact Us You are here Blogs aidsconnect's blog Silence Still Equals Death Silence Still Equals Death By aidsconnect Posted on 25 June 2010 via the Huffington Post Dear Friends of the LGBT , community As a gay man living with HIV , I am feeling really conflicted during this month of LGBT Pride . I know I am supposed to be awash in warm , fuzzy feelings of pride and joy , and that I should have lots of parties and the big parade on my . agenda But you know what Not so . much While curmudgeon is becoming more and more an apt description of yours truly , and while I applaud the community's herculean efforts around important issues such as marriage equality and repealing Don't

  • Dr. Agnes Moses Discusses HIV/AIDS in Malawi

    Updated: 2010-06-25 16:40:49
    Dr. Agnes Moses is a pioneer of preventing mother-to-child HIV transmission in her native Malawi.  As a graduate of the University of Malawi College of Medicine who decided to stay in her native country and work to improve the lives of her countrymen, she is a rare and valuable resource.  With just one doctor for [...]

  • What We’re Reading

    Updated: 2010-06-25 14:39:11
    This week’s reading list is here. As usual, let us know your thoughts! Is the HIV/AIDS rate in South Africa finally slowing? An article on AllAfrica.com says yes, pointing to a 35 percent decline in new infections between 2002 and 2008 (Many thanks to the One Blog’s reading list this week for this piece!). The [...]

  • Antihypertensive against Alzheimer's disease

    Updated: 2010-06-25 09:48:03
    Scientists at Mount Sinai School of Medicine have observed that the drug carvedilol, currently prescribed for the therapy of hypertension, may lessen the degenerative impact of Alzheimer's disease and promote healthy memory functions. The new findings appear in two studies in the current issues of Neurobiology of Aging and the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.......

  • Gene Therapy A Step Closer

    Updated: 2010-06-25 09:48:02
    EUREKA project E! 3371 Gene Transfer Agents has made great advances in the development of novel non-viral carriers able to introduce genetic material into the target cells. These new agents, derivatives of cationic amphiphilic 1,4-dihydropyridine (1,4-DHP), avoid the problems of the recipient's immune system reacting against a viral carrier. The project partners have developed methods to produce them in large amounts, which solves another of the problems with viral delivery. But the greatest advantage is that the new compounds are significantly more effective at delivering DNA into cell nuclei than other standard synthetic carriers; increasing the chance of the DNA successfully controlling the defective genes, and the disease........

  • Dybul: `We need to be more efficient’

    Updated: 2010-06-25 01:27:06
    At the Pacific Health Summit in London this week, the main theme centered on maternal and child health. But some of the discussion touched on HIV and TB issues, and many of the participants are important players in those worlds. One is Dr. Mark Dybul, the former US global AIDS ambassador under President Bush and [...]

  • HIV Trends in D.C. Improved After New Interventions

    Updated: 2010-06-24 19:26:28
    Encouraging trends in HIV in the hard-hit District of Columbia followed the 2006 introduction of a comprehensive prevention, care, and treatment plan, the CDC said.

  • J&J CEO Invited to Second Congressional Hearing

    Updated: 2010-06-24 17:45:26
    The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform asked Johnson & Johnson CEO Bill Weldon to testify at a second hearing to explore the company’s recent massive recalls of over-the-counter medication, according to reports this week (see Reuters and Bloomberg). Weldon was unable to attend the committee’s May 27 hearing ...

  • National HIV Testing Day 2010

    Updated: 2010-06-23 22:05:13
    By Jonathan Mermin, Director, Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention. Cross-posted from the Health Protection, Perspectives blog, June 23, 2010 June 27 is the 17th National HIV Testing Day (NHTD), which is organized annually by the National Association of People with AIDS...

  • A FDA-NIH Road to Personalized Medicine

    Updated: 2010-06-23 17:41:54
    In an online commentary in the New England Journal of Medicine, US Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Margaret Hamburg and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins provided their perspectives on the challenges and opportunities in personalized medicine and the ways in which FDA and NIH are ...

  • Search and Share: Taking Action with One Simple Tool for National HIV Testing Day

    Updated: 2010-06-22 23:11:00
    By Michelle Samplin-Salgado, AIDS.gov New Media Strategist Paul Kawata, National Minority AIDS Council National HIV Testing Day (NHTD)— June 27— is less than a week away and it's not too late to take action. As we heard last week from...

  • Therapeutic potential of embryonic stem cells

    Updated: 2010-06-21 21:02:33
    The therapeutic potential of embryonic stem cells has been an intense focus of study and discussion in biomedical research and has resulted in technologies to produce human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). Derived by epigenetic reprogramming of human fibroblasts, these hiPSCs are believed to be almost identical to human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and provide great promise for patient-tailored regenerative medicine therapies. However, recent studies have suggested noteworthy differences between these two stem cell types which require additional comparative analyses........

  • Non-Profit Lobbying: Just What Are the Rules Anyway?

    Updated: 2010-06-21 18:13:06
    : Search this site : Home About Us I Need . PEER Education Community Blog Calendar HIV AIDS News Job Volunteer Board Contact Us You are here Blogs Merrell's blog Non-Profit Lobbying : Just What Are the Rules Anyway Non-Profit Lobbying : Just What Are the Rules Anyway By Merrell Posted on 21 June 2010 One of most common barriers keeping non-profits from lobbying elected officials is the belief that it is illegal for 501(c 3 organizations to engage in this kind of activity . nbsp Guess what not true Not only can 501(c 3 organizations engage in certain types of lobbying , its a right that is protected by . law This presentation provides a general overview of everything non-profit leaders need to know about their right to engage their elected . officials Find out the difference between

  • Lessons from South Asia

    Updated: 2010-06-21 14:12:46
    A theater troupe performing plays about men who have sex with men.  A group of injecting drug users in Bangladesh drawing attention to their plight with red mannequins.  And a beauty pageant in Nepal –with only transgendered contestants. In South Asia, a number of different initiatives are now under way in attempting to reduce stigma [...]

  • Future Priorities for NIAID’s HIV Prevention Research

    Updated: 2010-06-21 05:35:00
    By Carl W. Dieffenbach, Ph.D., Director of NIAID's Division of AIDS Photo courtesy of Microbicide Trials Network As we begin to discuss the restructuring of NIAID's clinical trials networks, let us first focus on the Institute's HIV prevention research agenda....

  • The Human Face of Tuberculosis

    Updated: 2010-06-18 21:35:13
    For those advocating for more funding and programs to fight tuberculosis, a common lament has been that few people see those who suffer from it – and that the assumption is often that the disease affects only poor people in far-away places. But at a session this week at the Global Health Council conference, faces [...]

  • HIV/AIDS Tweetup!

    Updated: 2010-06-17 17:41:13
    Search this site : Home About Us I Need . PEER Education Community Blog Calendar HIV AIDS News Job Volunteer Board Contact Us You are here HIV AIDS Tweetup HIV AIDS Tweetup Use the Events Calender to find out what's happening in your community . Everyone is encouraged to view the calendar listings , but only registered members may post an . event By aidsconnect Posted on 17 June 2010 Date : nbsp 07 15 2010 6:00pm 9:00pm An Evening With Rae : Meet , Greet A Social Media Event For A Socially Conscious Cause Thursday , July 15, 2010, 6:00pm 9:00pm Encore Liquid Lounge 171 West Randolph Street Chicago , IL View Map You are cordially invited to An Evening With Rae : Meet , Greet , and Tweet hosted by Emmy Award winning AIDS Activist Rae Lewis-Thornton Join us on Thursday , July 15, 2010 for a

  • What We’re Reading

    Updated: 2010-06-17 16:15:17
    This week’s reading list is below! Please comment if you’ve been reading anything of interest as well – we’d love to hear from you. A PlusNews story this week reported that Kenya put aside 900 million shillings, or $11.25 million US, for the purchase of “life-prolonging antiretroviral (ARV).” This is unprecedented for the country, though [...]

  • Male Violence Ups HIV Risk for Women

    Updated: 2010-06-17 14:00:23
    Having a male partner who is violent increases the risk of acquiring HIV for women in rural South Africa, researchers reported.

  • Treatment Cuts HIV Transmission from Mother to Child

    Updated: 2010-06-16 22:00:00
    Perinatal transmission of HIV, including during breast-feeding, can be markedly reduced by antiretroviral therapy, either of mothers or their infants.

  • How does that taste to you?

    Updated: 2010-06-16 15:49:12
    Low-salt foods appears to be harder for some people to like than others, as per a research studyby a Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences food scientist. The research indicates that genetics influence some of the difference in the levels of salt we like to eat. Those conclusions are important because recent, well-publicized efforts to reduce the salt content in food have left a number of people struggling to accept fare that simply does not taste as good to them as it does to others, pointed out John Hayes, assistant professor of food science, who was lead investigator on the study........

  • Nurse-Led HIV Care Yields Good Results

    Updated: 2010-06-16 14:33:06
    Trained nurses can monitor HIV care in poorer countries with the same results as achieved by doctors, researchers said.

  • AIDS funding ahead? Africans deeply worried

    Updated: 2010-06-14 23:59:19
    The world last year spent about $13 billion to fight AIDS, and there are warnings from many quarters that the funding is entering a period of stagnation. But in a presentation today at the Global Health Council’s annual conference in Washington, D.C., an economist predicted that spending in 20 years could rise well above current [...]

  • Putting Women First in the Fight against Global HIV/AIDS

    Updated: 2010-06-14 21:42:43
    Last week, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) brought together a number of panelists from various administration agencies and NGOs at an event called “Linkages between Gender, AIDS, and Development – Implications for U.S. Policy.”  Panelists discussed the importance of placing women’s and girl’s health at the forefront of the Obama Administration’s global [...]

  • Coming up: The future of AIDS funding

    Updated: 2010-06-11 19:53:40
    For the last few months, those advocating for a more robust fight against AIDS have been growing increasingly concerned about the stagnant funding levels from the President’s Emergency Fund for AIDS Relief and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. But what about the years ahead? What’s the epidemic going to look like [...]

  • HIV Infection, Inflammation, and Premature Aging

    Updated: 2010-06-10 22:37:26

  • Men 18-45 yrs old Needed for HIV Vaccine Research Study

    Updated: 2010-06-09 22:22:43
    Search this site : Home About Us I Need . PEER Education Community Blog Calendar HIV AIDS News Job Volunteer Board Contact Us You are here Blogs aidsconnect's blog Men 18-45 yrs old Needed for HIV Vaccine Research Study Men 18-45 yrs old Needed for HIV Vaccine Research Study By aidsconnect Posted on 09 June 2010 HIV negative men , who are circumcised and 18-45 years old are needed to participate in an HIV vaccine research study . Subjects will receive compensation for participating . The study should last approximately 3 years . Subjects cannot get HIV from the vaccine . This is a randomized study , which means you may get the vaccine or a . placebo The Principal Investigator for this study is Dr . Richard M . Novak , Dept.of Medicine , 840 S Wood . For more information , please call

  • What We’re Reading

    Updated: 2010-06-09 19:08:35
    Below is our (now weekly) reading list for you. All thoughts welcome, as usual! As you may already know, the Women Deliver conference was held in in DC this week. Alanna Shaikh has an interesting post at UN Dispatch summarizing a panel on a “combination therapy” approach to HIV prevention. She says that this new [...]

  • Protein may repair damage from multiple sclerosis

    Updated: 2010-06-08 22:58:01
    A protein that helps build the brain in infants and children may aid efforts to restore damage from multiple sclerosis (MS) and other neurodegenerative diseases, scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found. In a mouse model of MS, scientists observed that the protein, CXCR4, is essential for repairing myelin, a protective sheath that covers nerve cell branches. MS and other disorders damage myelin, and this damage is associated with loss of the branches inside the myelin........

  • CD8 T Cells in Elite Controllers are Primed to Kill

    Updated: 2010-06-08 20:33:53

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